01. overview
What is Bitgain?
Bitgain is the worlds first crypto recruiter exchange and mining platform. We empower users to earn by recruiting, trading and mining. Powered by Web 3.0 based on blockchain technology and sometimes known as Web3 which is read-write-own.
02. details
Bitgain Specifics
You can participate in the operation of the network by joining our plan to allocate the computing power for mining. Due to this mechanism, transaction processing is decentralized, which allows a person to be not only a user, but also a participant.
BEB Transactions
Transactions between BEBcoin users are carried out over our network which makes the transactions much more reliable
Safety & Reliability
Your wallet is already protected during the transaction process and its safety doesn’t depend on the network’s reliability
BEBcoins doesn’t have a deflation problem. Emissions are decreasing slowly, which protects the currency from economic shocks
BEBcoin emission is an open process. Any user can join the Bitgain network and take part in the emission process (thus, becoming a miner)
03. Capitalization
BEBcoin Market Value
BEBcoin is starting to grow its value, thanks to the support of miners across the globe and its participation in the mining process. Hence our network is growing rapidly daily which at the end day generates income.
BEBcoin price today$11068.0
24 hour volume
04. features
Why Use BEBcoin?
The important part of cryptocurrency is privacy and anonymity – the main focus of a financial transaction.
05. guides
Ready to Get Started?
We have guides to help you through the world of cryptocurrency and how we can all benefit together. Grow your network, your earnings and much more!